Giving up on Nevada
I give up.........It is NOT possible to get a technical education in Northern Nevada (with the exception of GBC in Elko). My advice, leave the state, acquire the skills, and make decent wages elsewhere. There is a shortage of skilled people nationwide, and there are some states which are attempting to fill the gap by actually providing training (what a concept). Nevada sadly is NOT one of them! Nevada… New state motto: “At least we’re smarter than Mississippi” (but not for long… even Mississippi has seen the light and has started funding a Technical College system). Maybe NV will try that when we are dead last. If you’ve got just too much invested to leave, there are some very good on-line programs available (very pricey unfortunately). You will be in demand in a few years. There is no new blood in the pipeline. There is no push for workforce education here (no matter what you might have heard/seen in the local news) just the same old rhetoric. It is business as usual for the casino's “the less they know, the less we have to pay them, and where are they going to go with those skills”.
On a personal note: I'm back to the "old" job, making the big money again, and traveling all over the US to provide training for companies who have realized the bottom line is directly impacted by skills of their employee's. Training which I used to provide at TMCC for under $300 per student/per semester, now goes for $1,200 (for a three day seminar) . These companies know that down time = lost revenue (there is an old saying, “Think education is expensive, try ignorance”) and are building plants where there is a workforce education system in place.
Sorry Nevada……. You had your chance and ya blew it