Thursday, January 22, 2015

OK,  my enthusiasm has peaked, and going downhill fast.  Even though NV community colleges have received MAJOR Dept of Labor grants for vocational/technical education (about $20 million between the three CC's in Northern NV)...  No one seems to be hiring any new Industrial Technology instructors.  I think thats kind of strange.  Looking over programs, only GBC seems to have a good variety of classes for Manufacturing.  One would think, especially since Tesla's new factory lies in GBC "sphere of influence" that they would be actively recruiting.
Possibly if the new "Obama initiative" is passed maybe.....

Department of Labor's Grant Application and Award Database
TAACCCT - 2014
TAACCCT - 2013
TAACCCT – 2011

NV sure better do something......   we are ranked next to the bottom on education.

Nevada    49th out of 50
Overall grade: D
State score: 65.0
Per-pupil spending: $8,141 (5th lowest)
High school graduation rate: 60.0% (the lowest)
Eighth-graders proficient in math or reading: 28.3% (10th lowest)
Less than 34% of children in Nevada had at least one parent with a post-secondary degree, the lowest rate nationwide. Since parents play perhaps the most important role in a child’s chance for success, poor educational attainment rates among adults in Nevada were likely a factor in children’s relatively poor achievements in school. Similarly, early education can set the stage for a child’s entire academic career. Young children in Nevada were among the least likely nationwide to attend preschool or kindergarten. With the lowest high school graduation rate in the country, at 60% in 2012, young adults in Nevada were also far less likely to pursue further education than their peers in most states. While 55.1% of American young adults were enrolled in or had completed a post-secondary degree program, just 40.5% in Nevada were — nearly the lowest rate.

And giving the students job skills, instead of "book learning" would go a LONG way to solving this problem


At 10:59 PM, Blogger Dr Smith said...

You fully match our expectation and the selection of our


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