Some good news (for a change)
Good News!!!TMCC (in their finite wisdom) has posted two of my former classes (out of seven) in the Fall Schedule.
These are both intro classes (an introductory electrical and an into to PLC) but, if there is a building to house them, means they haven’t killed the program yet! I don’t know the man who is teaching the “electrical” class, but Randy, who is teaching the PLC class, is a good guy who I know will be giving 110%.
Bad news (gawd I hate to be so negative all the time)… Rumor has it that the electrical apprenticeship program is going to sever ties with TMCC (do to lack of support). Hopefully they will align with Great Basin College (who has an excellent record of supporting vocational/technical education) or possibly WNCC (which I hear is expanding their offerings in Industrial Maintenance due to TMCC’s inability to service this area).
(more as soon as I hear...)