Saturday, January 21, 2006

Final (well maybe) post

When the Dean of the Applied Industrial Technology Department (Bill Verbeck) was “reassigned”, I couldn’t believe he just laid down & gave up the fight. After dealing with the inbred educational system here on Northern Nevada, I now see why (I have been very well educated)!! It has been like throwing marshmallows at a battleship (if it were an old bear there would at least be some response but…)
I too have given up the fight.
My new job as a power plant electrician and controls guy leaves me little time to continue training others (or to monitor TMCC's class offerings) but when TMCC asks for more money… I will oppose at every turn.
TMCC has decided to place their money on “soft skills” and let industry train in “specialized” topics. Maybe this is a good strategy (bottom-line wise) but not for the industrial economy. Industry wants trained, experienced employees) not trainees).
When any third party attempts to invade their “turf”…TMCC fights it.
My advice to vocational / technical potential students: Look to the online classes for the information, work experience (if you can get it) for the hands-on, or the specialized training offered by the national training and seminar companies (expensive but worth it).

Good Luck!


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