U.S. manufacturing attempts a high-tech comeback
LA Times... http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-manufacturing-revival-20110515,0,569232.story....For several decades, prominent economists and business leaders argued that so long as Americans came up with the ideas for great new products, it didn't matter where the products were manufactured.
Today there is a growing sense that the nation's lack of production capability is an Achilles' heel. In this view, the country must regenerate its manufacturing base — not necessarily producing the same things it made in bygone years, but churning out high-value goods that can compete on price and quality in today's global marketplace.
Unless such a revitalization takes place, most economists agree, millions of people will face a more volatile and less prosperous future. And as consumers' ability to spend erodes, so will the prospects for corporate America.
It also will be extremely difficult for the country to deal with government deficits and the soaring cost of such fundamental programs as Social Security and Medicare.
OK........ So we know the problem, we know what needs to be done to solve it. Manufacture, or become a third-world country. And (as I and others have been commenting on these many years), If we are to have a manufacturing base... we must have a highly trained technical workforce. So we are going to do this, right?
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